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Publications of Jérôme Darmont

Reference (book)

J. Darmont, O. Boussaïd, Eds., Processing and Managing Complex Data for Decision Support, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, USA, April 2006.


Nowadays, the data management community acknowledges the fact that data are not only numerical or symbolic, but that they may be: represented in various formats (databases, texts, images, sounds, videos...); diversely structured (relational databases, XML documents repository...); originating from several different sources (distributed databases, the Web...); described through several channels or points of view (radiographies and audio diagnosis of a physician, data expressed in different scales or languages...); changing in terms of definition or value (temporal databases, periodical surveys...).

Data that fall in several of the above categories may be termed as complex data. Managing such data involves a lot of different issues regarding their structure, storage and processing. However, in many decision support fields (CRM, marketing, competition monitoring, medicine...), they are the real data that need to be exploited. Now that most decision support technologies such as data warehousing, on-line analysis (OLAP) or data mining have proven to be valuable on simple data, the issue of complex data must be addressed.
Overall objective of the book

The objective of this book is to provide an overall view of the field of complex data processing by bringing together various research studies, presumably in different subfields, and underlining the similarities between the different data, issues and approaches. The idea is also to show that many applications can benefit from the exploitation of other data than the ones they usually deal with.



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