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Publications of Jérôme Darmont

Reference (inbook)

J. Darmont, "Data-Centric Benchmarking", Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, July 2017, 1772-1782.

BibTeX entry

     Author = {Jérôme Darmont},
     Title = {Data-Centric Benchmarking},
     Series = {Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition},
     Publisher = {IGI Global},
     Address = {Hershey, PA, USA},
     Month = {July},
     Year = {2017},
     Pages = {1772-1782},
     Abstract = {In data management, both system designers and users casually resort to performance evaluation. Performance evaluation by experimentation on a real system is generally referred to as benchmarking. The aim of this chapter is to present an overview of the major past and present state-of-the-art data-centric benchmarks. This review includes the TPC standard benchmarks, but also alternative or more specialized benchmarks. Surveyed benchmarks are categorized into three families: transaction benchmarks aimed at On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP), decision-support benchmarks aimed at On-Line Analysis Processing (OLAP) and big data benchmarks. Issues, tradeoffs and future trends in data-centric benchmarking are also discussed.},
     Keywords = {Analytics, Benchmark, Big Data, Database, Data Warehouse, ETL, Metrics, OLAP, OLTP, Performance, TPC, Workload}

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