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Publications of Jérôme Darmont

Reference (inproceedings)

J. Darmont, E. Olivier, "A complex data warehouse for personalized, anticipative medicine", 17th Information Resources Management Association International Conference (IRMA 06), Washington, USA, May 2006, 685-687; Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, USA.

BibTeX entry

     Author = {Jérôme Darmont and Emerson Olivier},
     Title = {A complex data warehouse for personalized, anticipative medicine},
     Booktitle = {17th Information Resources Management Association International Conference (IRMA 06), Washington, USA},
     Month = {May},
     Year = {2006},
     Publisher = {Idea Group Publishing},
     Address = {Hershey, PA, USA},
     Pages = {685-687},
     Abstract = {With the growing use of new technologies, healthcare is nowadays undergoing significant changes. The development of electronic health records shall indeed help enforcing personal-ized, lifetime healthcare and pre-symptomatic treatment, as well as various analyses over a given population of patients. This kind of information-based medicine will require the analysis of various and heterogeneous data, such as patient records, medical images, biologi-cal analysis results, etc. In this context, data warehousing represents an interesting solution for integrating what we term complex data (data that are not only numerical, to summarize) and preparing them for analysis (statistical, on-line analysis or even data mining). In this paper, we present the design of a complex data warehouse relating to high-level ath-letes. The aim of this research is to allow the extension of results and empirical advances achieved for athletes to other populations and to make the analyzed subjects the managers of their own health capital. This is meant to support personalized, anticipative medicine. Our data warehouse is organized as a collection of interconnected datamarts sharing common di-mensions. The warehoused data originate from diverse providers and are very heterogeneous (qualitative or numerical data, texts, medical images...).},
     Keywords = {Data warehousing, biological data, biometrical data, cardio-vascular data, personalized and anticipative medicine}

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