A comparison of some discretization methods in induction graphs
E.R.I.C_Lyon Université Lumière Lyon 2
5, avenue P. Mendès-France 69676 Bron Cedex
Tél : 33-4-78-77-23-20 Fax : 33-4-78-77-23-75

Abstract :

In induction methods by graphs as C4.5 or SIPINA, taking continuous attributes into account needs particular discretization procedures. In this paper, we propose on the one hand, an axiomatic leading to a set of criteria which can be used for continuous attributes discretization, and on the other hand, a method of discretization called FUSINTER. The results obtained by FUSINTER are compared to those obtained by techniques developed by other researchers, and they have proved better for the majority of the examples studied. We also discuss other approaches based on statistical concepts and appealing either to inertia criteria or to nonparametric tests, as the one of Mood's runs.

Key words : Discretization, Pattern Recognition, Chi-Merge, FUSINTER, Induction Graph, SIPINA, C4.5.

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