Courses taught at the University of Lyon 2, at the Institute of Communication (ICOM) and UFR ASSP on the Porte des Alpes campus between September 2020 and August 2022. They are no more taught currently.


Licence 3 MIASHS

2020 - 2022


Licence 3 MIASHS

2020 - 2022

Systèmes d'Informations
et Bases de Données

Licence 3 MIASHS-IDS

2020 - 2022

Statistiques non

Licence 3 MIASHS - IDS

2021 - 2022


Master 1 Informatique

2020 - 2022

These resources will not be updated anymore.

Courses taught at the EM Lyon Business School, on the Saint-Etienne and Lyon campuses

Mathématiques et Statistiques
Appliquées à la Gestion


2020 - 2022

Analyse de Contenus
et de Données


2019 - 2022

Introduction to Business
Statistics & Data Analysis


2020 - 2022

These resources are the ones used for the courses given at EM Lyon. Some slides are not mine, so you will find them directly on Brightspace.

Courses taught at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Saint-Etienne (University Jean Monnet)

Optimization & Operational

Master 1 MLDM & DSC & CPS2

2016 - 2019

Introduction to
Machine Learning

Master 1 COSI & 3DMT

2017 - 2018

Outils Informatiques

Licence 1 MISPIC

2019 - 2020

These courses correspond to the teachings given during my PhD and my post-doctorate, they are not up to date and will not necessarily be updated afterwards.

Only the Optimization & Operational Research course was designed by me, the materials of the other courses do not belong to me.

All of these resources will no longer be updated.
You can find the list and the material of the current courses here