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Publications of Jérôme Darmont

Reference (inproceedings)

J. Darmont, L. Gruenwald, "Clustering Algorithms for Object-Oriented Databases", 1996 Symposium on Object-Oriented Database Management Systems, ASME Engineering Systems Design and Analysis Conference (ESDA 96), Montpellier, France, July 1996, 115-123; ASME International, Fairfield, USA.

XML DBLP entry

<inproceedings key="esda96">
     <author>Jérôme Darmont, Le Gruenwald</author>
     <title>Clustering Algorithms for Object-Oriented Databases</title>
     <booktitle>1996 Symposium on Object-Oriented Database Management Systems, ASME Engineering Systems Design and Analysis Conference (ESDA 96), Montpellier, France</booktitle>
     <year>1996</year>     <publisher>ASME International</publisher>

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