// M1 Informatique – Decision Support Systems
Master 1 Informatique – Université Lumière Lyon 2
Omar Boussaid
Other Speaker
The technology of data warehousing is one of the basic processes of decision support. The aim of this course is to introduce students to various techniques enabling them to design and build data warehouses and become familiar with the analysis tools online otherwise known as OLAP. In addition to a magistral course that presents the basic concepts of this technology, students work on a problem corresponding to a real case.
Students work in organized groups to achieve real Decision Support System (DSS) project. The goal is to introduce them to DSS process of a methodological and instrumental point of view. Another goal: work in groups. Each performs an individual task and contributes to the collective mission. Different tools for structuring and management (DBMS) or analysis (OLAP, statistics, data analysis, ..) are used to make the case study.
- Written Exam
- Case study : Report + Presentation
Files (Only in French)
Course: Cours Systèmes d’Information Décisionnels 2019
Exercises :
F1 : State, correction
F2 : State, correction