Individual Electricity Consumers

Data, Packages and Methods

19 - 20 October, Paris Saclay

Workshop - Individual Electricity Consumers

Data, Packages and Methods

20 October

Electricity load forecasting is crucial for utilities for production planning as well as marketing offers or network planning. Recently, the increasing deployment of smart grids infrastructure requires the development of more flexible data driven forecasting methods adapting quite automatically to new data sets. New metering infrastructures as smart meters provide new and potentially massive information about individual (household, small and medium enterprise) consumption. In this context, the 1-day workshop focused on Individual Electricity Consumers will provide an overview of Data, Packages and Methods available to tackle such problems. Organized around five talks, discussions will take place about questions related to modelling Electricity Demand in Smart Grids, including available open datasets, disaggregation of usages or multiscale aggregation of consumers, load profile clustering.

It is organized around five keynotes speakers:
Bei Chen, IBM Research, Ireland
Chris Develder, Ghent University, Belgium
Sophie Lamarche, EDF R&D, France
Ram Rajagopal, Stanford University, USA
Gavin Shaddick, University of Exeter, United Kingdom

1-day Workshop - Individual Electricity Consumers, Data, Packages and Methods
October 20, 2017, 9:00-17:00
EDF Labs, Paris-Saclay, France