Welcome to the website of frENBIS, the French local network of ENBIS

The first mission statements are to promote the value of statistics for business and industry in France, to foster cross-fertilization between industry and academia while securing and developing the bridge between the French statistical community and ENBIS.

In addition, frENBIS will offer additional international opportunities to complement the activities of the business and industrial sections of the French Statistical Society (SFdS) and will welcome their members in frENBIS.

Finally, frENBIS plans to organize each year a workshop facilitating discussions and networking about statistical methodologies and practices in business and industry.

This local network was created in September 2020 (decision of the ENBIS GA Sept. 18, 2020).

Founding Committee

  • Anne Gégout-Petit (Univ. Lorraine)
  • Yannig Goude (Électricité de France, EDF R&D)
  • Jean-Michel Poggi (Univ. Paris-Saclay)

Piloting Committee
