Category Archives: Research @en

Last papers (Cloud-I reports) and journal paper review (JPDC)

J. Darmont, T.B. Pedersen, Report on the First International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence (Cloud-I 2012), SIGMOD Record, 32(4), December 2013 J. Darmont, T.B. Pedersen, Report on the Second International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence (Cloud-I 2013), SIGMOD Record, 33(1), March 2014 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 2014 (Special issue: Big Data Systems & Apps)

New publications related to the Cloud-I 2013 workshop

J. Darmont, T.B. Pedersen, Eds., Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence (Cloud-I 2013), August 2013, ICPS, ACM, New York. J. Darmont, T.B. Pedersen, “Cloud intelligence: challenges for research and industry”, 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence (Cloud-I 13), Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013 (Panel).

New publication: Big Data benchmark @VLDB/TPCTC 2013

J. Ferrarons, M. Adhana, C. Colmenares, S. Pietrowska, F. Bentayeb, J. Darmont, “PRIMEBALL: a Parallel Processing Framework Benchmark for Big Data Applications in the Cloud”, 5th TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation & Benchmarking (VLDB/TPCTC 2013), Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2013.

Last publications: Cloud Intelligence 2012

J. Darmont, T.B. Pedersen, Eds., Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence (Cloud-I 2012), August 2012; ACM, New York. J. Darmont, T.B. Pedersen, M. Middelfart, “Cloud Intelligence: What is REALLY New?”, 1st International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence (Cloud-I 12), Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012 (Panel paper).

New publications + review

Journal papers R. Salem, J. Darmont, O. Boussaid, “Active XML-based Web Data Integration”, Information Systems Frontiers, 2013 (Special issue on Business Intelligence and the Web; in preprint). A. Abello, J. Darmont, L. Etcheverry, M. Golfarelli, J.N. Mazon, F. Naumann, T.B. Pedersen, S. Rizzi, J. Trujillo, P. Vassiliadis, G. Vossen, “Fusion Cubes: Towards Self-Service Business Intelligence”,… Read More »

New publication @DOLAP’2012

C. Kit, M. Hachicha, J. Darmont, “Benchmarking Summarizability Processing in XML Warehouses with Complex Hierarchies”, ACM 15th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP 12), Maui, Hawaii, USA, November 2012.