Automatic Integration Issues of Tabular Data for On-Line Analysis Processing Yuzhao Yang, Jérôme Darmont, Franck Ravat and Olivier Teste
A generic modelling to capture the temporal evolution in graphs Landy Andriamampianina, Franck Ravat, Jiefu Song and Nathalie Vallés-Parlangeau
Enumération Randomisée des Triangles dans des Graphes à Grande Echelle à base de SQL (SQL-based Randomized Enumeration of Triangles in Large-Scale Graphs Slides in English) Abir Farouzi, Ladjel Bellatreche, Carlos Ordonez, Gopal Pandurangan and Mimoun Malki
EXGRAF : Exploration et Fragmentation de Graphes au Service du Traitement Scalable de Requêtes RDF (EXGRAF: Exploration and Fragmentation of Graphs for Scalable RDF Query Processing) Abdallah Khelil, Amin Mesmoudi, Jorge Galicia and Ladjel Bellatreche
Enterprise Knowledge Graph : définition et contribution à un système “Team of Teams” (Enterprise Knowledge Graph: definition and contribution to a “Team of Teams” system Slides in English) Max Chevalier, Franck Ravat and Bastien Vidé
Recommandation Hybride basée sur l’Apprentissage Profond (Deep Learning-Based Hybrid Recommendation) Lamia Berkani, Imene Lydia Kerboua and Sofiane Zeghoud