New publication on cloud data security @DOLAP 2014

V. Attasena, N. Harbi, J. Darmont, « fVSS: A New Secure and Cost-Efficient Scheme for Cloud Data Warehouses », 17th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP 14), Shangai, China, November 2014.

Many thanks to anonymous reviewer #3, for his harsh but thorough and fair review.

BI4people, business intelligence for all

BI4people is a personal business intelligence prototype system in Software as a Service mode that targets very small companies, organizations and individuals. BI4people aims at providing a simple approach to the decision support process, by masking data integration and warehouse modeling phases, and by allowing a simple navigation through data.

The very first, awful version of BI4people is now available online for testing. Thanks to all the coders of this idea!