A. Öztürk, S. Lallich, J. Darmont, « MaxMin Linear Initialization for Fuzzy C-Means », 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM 2018), New York, USA (MLDM 2018), New York, USA, July 2018; IBaI, Leipzig, Germany. (to appear)
Programmation web (L3 MIASHS) : TD 5-6 corrigé en ligne #webmiashs #PHP #PDO #MariaDB #MVC
Le TD n° 5-6 corrigé (PHP, mise à jour de base de données et architecture MVC) est disponible en ligne.
Book update: Utilizing #BigData Paradigms for #BusinessIntelligence
The book entitled « Utilizing Big Data Paradigms for Business Intelligence » that Sabine Loudcher and I are editing is now in queue to be copy edited. After the proofing stage, the actual printing will take between four and five weeks to complete. Information on the review process, as well as the table of contents, are available on the book’s webpage.
New publication @AIAI2018 #FuzzyClustering #QualityIndices #ArchaeologicalData
A. Öztürk, S. Lallich, J. Darmont, « A Visual Quality Index for Fuzzy C-Means », 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2018), Rhodes, Greece, May 2018; IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany. (to appear).
Programmation web (L3 MIASHS) : TD 4 corrigé en ligne #webmiashs #PHP #PDO #MariaDB
Le TD n° 4 corrigé (PHP Data Objects) est disponible en ligne.
Programmation web (L3 MIASHS) : Sujet de dossier en ligne #webmiashs #php #html5 #sql
Le sujet de dossier est disponible en ligne.
New publication #BigData #Benchmarking #TextAnalytics
C.O. Truica, J. Darmont, A. Boicea, F. Radulescu, « Benchmarking Top-K Keyword and Top-K Document Processing with T²K² and T²K²D² », Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018 (Special issue on Big Data Benchmarking; to appear).
Programmation web (L3 MIASHS) : TD 3 corrigé (sessions) en ligne #webmiashs #php
Le TD n° 3 corrigé (sessions) est disponible en ligne.
WABiD* 2018 lauched! #Workshop #BigData #Management #Analytics #Security
The 1st International Workshop on Advances on Big Data Management, Analytics and Security (WABiD* 2018) will be colocated with ADBIS 2018. Expect a call for papers very soon!
Bases de données (M1 Humanum) : TD2 (modélisation) corrigé en ligne #hnbd #UML #Relationnel #Access
La TD 2 corrigé (modélisation conceptuelle, logique et physique) est disponible en ligne.